Development of Integrated Model Villages in three Villages of Arunachal Pradesh
The project is being implemented by A.P. State Council for Science & Technology, Itanagar in collaboration with Himalayan Environmental Studies and Conservation Organization (HESCO), Dehradun, Uttrakhand and funded by SSTP, Technology Development and Transfer Division, DST, GOI, New Delhi. This project was to implement with envisages in making the selected villages a “Model Village” which is self- reliant in terms of basic technologies in the field of Agriculture, Horticulture, Bio farm, Energy and Water Conservation. Three districts from the state were selected under which three villages from each of the districts were further selected for project implementation which falls under different agro climatic zones in the state of Arunachal Pradesh namely:
1).Namsai District: Village: NampongAgro Climatic Zone: Tropical
2). Papumpare District: village: Lower JumiAgro Climatic Zone: Mid Tropical
3). Lower Subansiri District Village: KuchNeelamAgro Climatic Zone; Temperate.

Establishment of State- of- the- Art Orchidarium for conservation and multiplication of priority orchid species along with establishing satellite units in selected villages with a view to promote orchid based entrepreneurship in rural villages of Arunachal Pradesh
- Memorandum of Agreement has been made between DBT-APSCS&T CoE for Bioresources and Sustainable Development, Kimin and National Research Centre on Orchids, Pakyong, Sikkim on 2nd February, 2022.
- Field survey, collection and documentation of orchids have been initiated since 2021. Orchids have been collected from various parts of the state.
- Establishment of orchid germplasm conservation unit in the centre for the conservation of indigenous orchids of the state on Oct 2021. Around 75 species of the endemic orchids have been collected and maintained in the conservation area.
- Database of around 50 species has been created and important information pertaining to the orchids has been documented.
- Standardization of protocols for vegetative and micropropagation of orchids of the state is currently being carried out in the centre.
- Identification and characterization for medicinal properties, molecular characterization for important orchid is currently ongoing.
- State- of- the-art Orchidarium with modern technologies and all the required facilities have been developed for conservation and cultivation of important orchids in DBT-APSCS&T CoE for BRSD, Kimin, Arunachal Pradesh.
- Five satellite units have been established at Pasighat, Ziro, Deed, Namsai and Kimin during the period, which will promote the orchid cultivation and orchid based entrepreneurship avenues.
- Value addition of orchids being initiated through techniques of drying flowesr and developing it into marketability product as well increasing shelf life of the orchid cut flowers.

Setting up of Rural Technology Demonstration Centre (RTDC) at Kimin, Papumpare district in Arunachal Pradesh with the following objectives:

Training Programme was organized during 20th-22nd January, 2020 in collaboration with CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat on the following 8 technologies at RTDC, Kimin. More than 15 participants had taken part in this training.

Sanitary Napkin Production and Training for Self sustainability for Rural Tribal Women of Arunachal Pradesh
Organizing of State Level Awareness and Sensitization Workshop on Health and Nutrition for rural tribal women of Arunachal

Gandhi Global Solar Yatra Student Solar Ambassador Workshop
Construction of road using plastic waste

Integrated Technological Farming System in Hilly Areas for Sustainable Development
Study on Traditional alcoholic beverage “Black Apong, Chang” for its Preservation and Commercialization

Setup of Children Science Park at different Government Schools of Arunachal Pradesh
“The Awareness program on Robotics at School Level” for 100 Govt. School at the aspirational District (Namsai)