As a part of the month long celebration of National Science Day 2024 (27th February 20240, a programme on the title – “GIRLS IN SCIENCE” was successfully organised by Arunachal Pradesh State Council for Science & Technology In collaboration with National Council for Science and Technology Communication, DST, GoI at Arunachal Pradesh Science Centre, Itanagar today. The programme was conducted in two halves. First half of the programme began with Resource person talks. A talk on the topic – “Girls in STEM” was delivered by Dr. Swapna Acharjee, Scientist – C, A.P. Space Application Centre. She explained the importance of STEM education and how it promotes cross-disciplinary education, skill development and lays the ground for students’ successful careers. She also highlighted how STEM education empower girls by breaking down societal barriers and challenging gender norms. Dr. Bengia Chirchi, Associate Consultant, Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, RKHM, delivered a talk on the topic – “Women’s health and hygiene” where she discussed the issues related to Menstrual Cycle and Cervical Cancer. The programme was followed by Exhibition cum competition on the topic – “Waste to Wealth” in the afternoon, where students from different schools took participation and exhibited & explained their ideas.