Individual Membership form (Private)
Please read the following before filling the form.
- Any inquisitive and enthusiastic school and college goers may fill the membership form, but this does not guarantee membership at Innovation Hub. There will be two phase screening after which candidates with potentially feasible and effective projects/ideas will be selected for membership registration.
- Selected candidates will have to register with a minimal registration fee of 1000/- as term fee for 1(one) year, renewable at the end of each year. Members will get exposures and access to various facilities available and hands-on experience on equipment’s/tools (CNC lathe, Product Design software, 3D printer, Robotics, Digital touch e-projector, electronic equipment’s) e-learning, and access to internet, depending on the projects.
- The Innovation Hub is set to help, guide and financially assist those selected registered projects/ideas, provide the participants sincerely and effectively work on his/her projects. Help rendered and financial assistance in the project given to the participant will be discontinued and terminated off its membership, if he/she fails to adhere to the guidelines of the Innovation Hub.
- Resource persons and field experts will be called in for conducting lectures and workshop depending on the needs and requirement of the participants.
- Innovation Hub ID cards will be provided to registered participants. Entry into Innovation Hub will be permitted only on producing Innovation Hub ID card.
- Each student is responsible for the use of his/her student identity card. Students must ensure that their ID cards are kept secure and are not deliberately or inadvertently made available for use by any other person.
- The Innovation Hub card must be presented for identification purpose at the request of any authorized person of the Innovation Hub. Any participant refusing to provide the Identity Card when required by such an authorized person may be subjected to termination of membership.
- Usage of intoxicants and misbehavior in any manner in the Science Centre premises can lead to immediate membership termination.
- Innovation Hub members are expected to take good care of the equipment’s/tools they use. Any damage caused to the equipment’s/tools due negligence and carelessness must be compensated/replaced, by the responsible individual.
- Participants with outstanding ideas/projects will be sent to participate in Zonal and National level competitions and Innovation festivals.
- Scheduled routine and timing for participants to get access to Innovation Hub will be prepared once the registration process is over.
- Forms may be submitted to Innovation Hub Arunachal Pradesh Science Centre.
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